Free Logotherapy
Video Course

You will be empowered with meaning-centered therapy (logotherapy) theory and techniques. You will receive seven video lessons allowing you to learn at your own pace!

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    Dr. Edward Nichols

    Your Instructor:

    Edward Nichols, Ph. D., M.S.W., has over forty years of experience as a psychotherapist, supervisor, and instructor. He is the national program director of the Therapy Training Institute and author of the "Fix Your Life" LinkedIn newsletter.

    What will you learn?

    • How to help your clients to face fear;
    • The clinical value of learning acceptance;
    • The technique of teaching active coping;
    • The role that spirituality plays in therapy;
    • How altruism helps to build resilience;
    • The role of values in successful living; and
    • Optimism as a therapeutic goal.